The apartment below us has been being renovated for several months. We have had to live through constant banging, pounding and sawing on a daily basis. Who would have known we would have been so lucky to get a free laundry room renovation along with it! Apparently there is a leak and our laundry room is the only place they felt they could fix it from. Or is it? After two weeks of working and letting the new pipe settle and cement dry, they realized they have not fixed the leak. I have been fortunate and have been able to use my washing machine up until this point. Now, I get to be without one as they need to completely tear up the entire laundry room. I have asked that they wait until after Casey's parents leave as I do not want them to have to deal with this mess. They have agreed, but in the mean time I have a giant hole in my laundry room floor!
I really hope this solves the problem. If not, I am sure they will just keep tearing things up and make a bigger mess!
What a lovely mess? Hopefully after your in-laws leave the renovations are quick and simple to fix the leak. Bummer you won't have a washer. If you need help getting clothes washed you can come use ours. Drop a load off in the evening and I can bring up to you in the morning. It wouldn't be a problem at all.