Monday, January 28, 2013
Karen's birthday celebrations!
We spent a couple of days celebrating Karen's 27th birthday. We started on Friday afternoon with an all girls luncheon while the men were at work. We ended on Saturday night with a trip to Papa Johns, Karen's favorite!
The car accident!
I never knew a car accident could cause so much damage after the fact!
We were truly very lucky that we did not get hit in any other spot as the other guy was going about 40 kph and we were only going about 10 kph. (Jacky was already a cautious driver before this even happened!). Ellen was buckled in, so was safe no matter what! Car seats are not required by law here, but we require Ellen be in one and buckled up! Now, here we are three weeks later and are on our second temporary driver because Jacky is having a hard time dealing with this accident and the fender bender he was in on his own. I knew Jacky was upset at the scene of the accident as he was talking to me in Chinese. I had to remind him that I could not speak Chinese, I took Ellen's stroller out of the trunk and we walked back to the apartment.
Sunday, January 27, 2013
What would you do for 100RMB?
Renovation time!
The apartment below us has been being renovated for several months. We have had to live through constant banging, pounding and sawing on a daily basis. Who would have known we would have been so lucky to get a free laundry room renovation along with it! Apparently there is a leak and our laundry room is the only place they felt they could fix it from. Or is it? After two weeks of working and letting the new pipe settle and cement dry, they realized they have not fixed the leak. I have been fortunate and have been able to use my washing machine up until this point. Now, I get to be without one as they need to completely tear up the entire laundry room. I have asked that they wait until after Casey's parents leave as I do not want them to have to deal with this mess. They have agreed, but in the mean time I have a giant hole in my laundry room floor!
I really hope this solves the problem. If not, I am sure they will just keep tearing things up and make a bigger mess!
Friday, January 18, 2013
Peak Tram ride with amazing views!
If you want to see a beautiful view of Hong Kong, this was the way to do it! By buying the tickets for the Big Bus Tour, we got to get in line right away for the tram. In China, most people have no respect for others when it comes to getting what they want. They will cut you off, push you out of the way and even get into a verbal altercation if needed. As a matter of fact, we witnessed all three of these things while in line for the tram. It made us giggle because they section you off into groups to get onto the tram. So everyone in our section was going to get on the same tram. Maybe you weren't first in line, but we were all getting on together. Thank goodness the views made up for the crazy ride to the top! Besides from great views, there was great stores and restaurants. I even spent over 200 HK dollars on candy! And I enjoyed every bit of it! Nerds, gobstoppers, laffy taffy....oh how I have missed you!
Big Bus Tour
This reminded me of New York City, so we decided to do it. (Aimee, do you remember when we did this in New York? I mean, it was only a few years ago....right?). It was actually a beautiful day and a great way to get around Hong Kong. Included in the tour was a peak tram ride, a ferry ride across the river to Kowloon and a fishing charter boat ride. We did everything except the fishing boat!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Christmas crackers?

New Year's Eve

Ellen and Minnie Mouse!
I was so excited when we saw that Ellen could get her picture taken with one of the Disney characters. When I asked her who she wanted to see, she said Minnie Mouse. Normally she is so shy, I did not think she would approach her by herself, but she did and she was so excited! This was even after being there for eight hours, so I was so proud of her!
Merry Go Round

Ellen's first ride!
It was such an exciting day for Ellen and full of first experiences. This was her first ride and it was in Toy Story land. It was like we were the little green soldiers from the movie. She was so excited the entire time we waited, but got a little nervous once on the ride. By the time it was over, she was ready for more!
The Lion King

Hong Kong Disneyland!
I was so glad we took the time to go to Hong Kong Disneyland! Not only was it Ellen's first time, but it was a beautiful day and a beautiful park! We went on New Year's Eve and had a great day!
Ellen, taking care of the boys!
After a long day of walking around the city, Ellen made sure to hold Joes's hand and to comfort daddy because he was sleepy! Too precious!
Hard Rock Cafe, Hong Kong
Hong Kong was great, but what made it even better was that we could get Western food anywhere. It was expensive, but so worth it!
Pearl River
Here we are down by the piers along the Pearl River in Hong Kong. Here is a link so you can read more about a Hong Kong. It really is an amazing place!
Train ride to the city
It was a thirty minute ride from our hotel to downtown Hong Kong. We spent our second day walking around and touring the city on our own. There was an expo center connected to our hotel, so we just had to walk through it to get on the train.
Ferrari's galore!
On our first morning in Hong Kong we woke up to all of these Ferrari's in our hotel parking lot. It was crazy, but they were pretty sweet! Casey had to have his picture taken by one! 

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