Friday, November 23, 2012

Picking out a gown for the ball!

There is a  charity ball coming up on December 8th, so most of us wives decided to get dresses made. I went with Five other women on this day as another group had gone a different day.  I ended up picking a dress at the shop and just getting it made in a different color.  A lot of women took in pictures and asked them to make it from scratch.  That was too scary for me.  Chrissy, who you see eating with me at lunch decided to pick a dress straight off the shelf.  The best part is we waited an hour and the did the alterations right then and there.  The photo is of the ladies sewing are altering Chrissy's dress.  It was too crazy!  We ended up going to eat while we waited.  I finally got my green beans and some dumplings....some real local food!  Ellen stayed with Karen, so I got to indulge and eat what I wanted.  The guys are also getting suits and/or tuxes made.  Do you like what I picked out for Casey?  Actually, we all went to a neighbors house the other day and the Taylor came there and took all the guys measurements.  We got to pick out the fabric for the pants, jackets, shirts and ties.  It was pretty cool! I go back this week to try on my dress and on Sunday Casey has a fitting for his suit.  Only in China!


  1. Love the suit! Definitely his color and can't wait to see a picture of your dress!!

  2. Casey is going to look great in this color!
