Thursday, November 29, 2012

My first hair cut in China...what a different experience!

Yes I am laying down getting ready to get my hair cut.  If you can see the lady next to me, it is actually a sink under the pillow my head is on.  For 30 minutes I had my head massaged, my hair washed and my ears cleaned with a q-tip.  Yes, I think in this picture he is getting the Q-tip ready.  My hair turned out ok, but I am afraid what is going to happen when it starts to grow out.  He thinned it from close the my scalp and not how I am used to at all!  Before he started to cut it I had to pick whether I wanted a 38RMB, 68RMB, 98RMB or 168 RMB haircut and he ranked them with check marks.  So, I could get an ok haircut, so so haircut, a good haircut or a great haircut.  I was so confused I just pointed to one.  I ended up with a 68 RMD haircut, which is like 10 bucks and it was definitely so so.  Casey said he likes it, but I think he liked that it was so cheap compared to what I normally pay!  So, needless to say, this may be the one and only hair cut I get in China.


  1. It looks the same...just really thin! In my picture with my "cake", that is after the cut.
