Saturday, September 22, 2012

The Big Move!

After waiting well over a year, it is official!  We left for Chongqing, China on Wednesday September 19th, 2012.  We spent several days prior to the move with family and friends.  Some may say, we had a lot of goodbyes...but I would not have changed it for anything!  We are very fortunate to have so many loving and caring family and friends.  Most of all, we appreciate your support as we begin this journey.  


  1. So glad you've started this blog. A great adventure begins! I will be sending it to Grandpa Bill in an email (cut & paste style). I wonder if you are anywhere close to where he was at after WWII. (I know you have better accommodations with Mr. Ford than he had from Uncle Sam!) Looking forward to updates and photos.

    1. Aunt Sue, thank you for sharing with grandpa! I know my grandfather was in Chengdu which is not far from here. Do you know where grandpa Bill was? I know we plan to visit Chengdu in honor of my grandfather and would love to do the same for grandpa Bill. Miss you!
