Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Back to Disneyland!

I never imagined we would travel to Disneyland in Hong Kong, but instead we have been there twice now.  We tried to do some of the other rides we did not do during our first visit.  Here Ellen wanted to pretend like she was in jail.  At times, she is so naughty, mom would like to threaten jail!  :). 
 Unfortunately grandpa Steve did not make the trip to Disneyland as he was back in the hotel sick.  Instead, grandma got the pleasure of riding all the rides with Ellen.  Here they are riding "Slinky" from the Toy Story.
Here Ellen is driving a car (which we did before), but this time I got to ride with her and I don't think I have laughed so hard.  This girl had soo much fun......but needs a lot of practice driving before she turns 16!  

The happy and not-so happy tourists

Here are two happy tourists enjoying the beautiful views overlooking Hong Kong city and Kowloon.    They are thankful we changed our trip from freezing cold, air polluted Beijing and came here instead.  

Here is the not-so happy tourist in Beijing that would not let us take her picture.  This was her second time to this viewing area and I have yet to get a good picture of her.  The first time she slept the entire time.  This time she was being a stinker and wanted to eat her goldfish in peace! 

Grandma, Casey & Ellen

Three generations!  Can you tell they are related or what!  

The fish and bird market

 As most of you know, Ellen is crazy about animals....any animal.  So when we mentioned we were going to the fish and bird market she was sooo excited.  Little did she know that these animals were going to be bagged up and hanging from the wall.
Or, stacked in cages ready to be bought.  Thank goodness she didn't ask to take any home with us!  She just enjoyed looking at them for the day!

Chinese New Year Parade

Since we were in Hong Kong over the Chinese New Year, there were a lot of activities going on.  We decided to stop and eat before we went to watch a parade.  Lets just say, good thing we ate because we could not see the parade because it was so busy.  This is a picture of what we could see!

Mastering the subway

The first time we visited Hong Kong we stayed out near the airport and traveled into the city on a train.  This time we stayed in Kowloon which is north of Hong Kong Island.  Instead of a train, we used the subway to get where we were going.  Ellen thought the best part was that she could twirl around the poles.  Although she would often forget the part where you have to hold on when the subway takes off and stops.  Good thing there were four of us to catch her!